Cloud Computing Essentials: Key Terminologies Every Beginner Should Know

Cloud Computing Essentials: Key Terminologies Every Beginner Should Know


6 min read

Here are some basic terminologies commonly used in cloud computing:

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including computing power, storage, databases, networking, and software applications, over the Internet. It allows users to access and utilize these resources on-demand, without the need for on-premises infrastructure.


"On-prem" is an abbreviation for "on-premises," which refers to the deployment and management of software or infrastructure within an organization's physical premises or data centers. In an on-premises setup, the organization owns and operates the hardware, software, and networking infrastructure needed to run its applications and store its data.

Public Cloud

A public cloud is a type of cloud computing model where cloud services and resources are provided by third-party cloud service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These services are available to the general public over the Internet.

Private Cloud

A private cloud is a cloud computing model that is dedicated to a single organization. It is typically built and managed within the organization's own data centers or on-premises infrastructure. Private clouds offer greater control, security, and customization options compared to public clouds.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud environments. It allows organizations to leverage the benefits of both public and private clouds while maintaining some resources and applications on-premises and others in the public cloud. Hybrid clouds enable workload flexibility, scalability, and data integration between environments.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

IaaS is a cloud computing service model that provides virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines (VMs), storage, and networking. It allows users to provision and manage these resources on-demand, paying for only what they use. Examples of IaaS providers include AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines, and GCP Compute Engine.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

PaaS is a cloud computing service model that provides a platform for developing, deploying, and managing applications. It abstracts away the underlying infrastructure and provides tools, frameworks, and services to streamline the application development process. Examples of PaaS providers include AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Azure App Service, and Heroku.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

SaaS is a cloud computing service model that delivers software applications over the internet. Users can access and use these applications without the need for installation or maintenance. Examples of SaaS applications include Salesforce, Office 365, and Google Workspace.


Virtualization is the process of creating virtual instances of resources, such as servers, storage, or networks, from a single physical resource. It allows for better utilization of hardware resources, improved scalability, and flexibility in managing and provisioning resources.


Elasticity is the ability of a cloud computing system to automatically scale resources up or down based on demand. It allows organizations to handle fluctuations in resource needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.


Scalability refers to the ability of a system to handle increasing workloads by adding more resources. In cloud computing, scalability is achieved through features like auto-scaling and load balancing, which allow for the dynamic allocation of resources as demand changes.

High Availability

High availability is a characteristic of cloud systems that ensures applications and services are continuously accessible and operational, with minimal downtime. It is achieved through redundancy, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery mechanisms.

Data Center

A data center is a facility that houses computer systems and infrastructure components, such as servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. Data centers provide the necessary physical environment, power, cooling, and security to support cloud computing operations.

Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

A cloud service provider is a company that offers cloud computing services and resources to individuals or organizations. Examples of CSPs include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and IBM Cloud.

Cloud Native

Cloud-native refers to the design and development approach that leverages cloud computing principles and technologies. Cloud-native applications are built using microservices architecture, containerization, and are designed to be scalable, portable, and resilient in the cloud environment.


Containerization is a method of running applications in isolated environments called containers. Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy applications along with their dependencies. Docker is a popular containerization platform.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model where cloud providers manage the infrastructure and automatically scale resources based on demand. Developers focus on writing code in the form of functions (known as serverless functions) that are triggered by events or requests.

Cloud Security

Cloud security refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect data, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud. It includes authentication, encryption, access controls, network security, and compliance with security best practices.

Data Migration

Data migration is the process of transferring data from one location or system to another, such as moving data from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud or between cloud providers. Data migration requires careful planning and execution to ensure data integrity and minimal disruption.


Multi-tenancy is a cloud architecture model where a single instance of an application or service serves multiple users or organizations (tenants). Each tenant's data and resources are logically isolated and securely separated from others while sharing the underlying infrastructure.

Cloud Bursting

Cloud bursting is a hybrid cloud strategy where an organization utilizes a public cloud during peak demand periods to augment the capacity of their private cloud or on-premises infrastructure. It allows organizations to handle temporary spikes in resource requirements.

Cost Optimization

Cost optimization in the cloud refers to the practice of optimizing cloud resource usage to minimize costs while maintaining desired performance levels. It involves monitoring and adjusting resource allocation, leveraging cost-effective pricing models, and employing tools for cost management.

SLA (Service Level Agreement)

An SLA is a contract between a cloud service provider and a customer that defines the level of service and performance guarantees. It outlines metrics such as uptime, response time, and support availability, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery involve creating copies of data and implementing processes to restore it in the event of data loss or system failure. Cloud providers offer backup and recovery services with automated backups, replication, and point-in-time recovery options.


Compliance in the cloud refers to adhering to industry-specific regulations, standards, and best practices regarding data security, privacy, and governance. Cloud providers offer compliance certifications and services to help customers meet their compliance requirements.

High-Performance Computing (HPC)

HPC refers to the use of highly powerful and parallel computing resources to solve complex computational problems. Cloud providers offer HPC services, allowing organizations to access massive computational power on-demand for tasks like scientific simulations, modeling, and data analysis.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is a distributed computing model where computation and data storage are performed closer to the edge of the network, near the data source or end-user devices. It enables low-latency processing, reduces data transfer costs, and supports real-time applications.

Cloud Native Security

Cloud-native security refers to the practices and measures adopted to ensure the security of applications and data in a cloud-native environment. It includes identity and access management, encryption, network security, and vulnerability management specific to cloud-native architectures.

Cloud Governance

Cloud governance refers to the policies, procedures, and controls implemented to ensure effective and compliant use of cloud resources. It involves managing costs, monitoring resource usage, enforcing security measures, and aligning cloud usage with organizational objectives.

Serverless Functions

Serverless functions, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), are small, self-contained pieces of code that are executed in response to specific events or triggers. Cloud providers manage the underlying infrastructure and automatically scale the functions as needed.

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